Housing Service for short term guests
Dear guests!
On this Website you can find informations about our housing and some general topics concerning your stay in Vienna.
We heavily rely on your reports, therfore announce any inconvenience/damage immediately, so we can help out as quickly as possible.
We are going to update this website on a constant basis. Please check regularly!
Enjoy your stay in Vienna!
Fire Department | 122
Police | 133
Ambulance | 144
Emergency Medical Service | 141
Health Hotline „Covid-19“ | +43-1-1450
Key Service | +43-1-641 00 39 – Take care, this service is expensive
Covid-19 Information
If you suspect that you might be infected, please call the health hotline +43-1-1450.
Please note the actual protective measures against the coronavirus!
Vienna Government
Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Informations in 17 different languages
Zoom House Keeping
You’ll find a certified disinfectant dispenser in every house. Washing hands on a regular basis with this soap kills 80% of bacteria/viruses.
Cleaning and all repair work can be carried out – however residents must not be present in the same room. A mask is required in every apartment.
Zoom Housing will inform you immediately, if stronger measures must be taken.
We clean your apartment weekly. Once, our cleaning staff will thoroughly clean the whole apartment and once an intermediate cleaning (only common aeras) will take place. At the end of each cleaning we’ll wipe certain sensitive surfaces with area disinfection.
We use in your building/apartment:
Surface desinfectant: Safe Surface
Hand disinfectant: Lerasept HD
We use for special items (p.e. keys):
First Steps | Last Steps
Housing liability form
Moving out
Here is some information about the procedure of your check-out (latest 10am)
· Make sure to leave the apartment in a clean state and rid the accommodation of any waste. Do not forget to remove everything from the fridge/freezer.
Furthermore, make sure to dispose of any empty glass bottles in the correct trash cans near your location. Abnormally dirty apartments may result in extra cleaning fees.
· Leave all set of keys on the kitchen table, when leaving the apartment.
General House Information
Damage Report
Waste Separation
In your rooms there are four different kinds of garbage cans
• Paper
• Plastic Bottles, Drink Cartons & Cans
• Glass
• Residual Waste
At your house you will find a garbage room, where you can dispose
• Paper
• Residual Waste
On the street nearby your house there are garbage cans, where another 4 kinds of waste can be thrown away.
• Organic Waste
• Clear Glass
• Coloured Glass
• Plastic Bottles, Drink Cartons & Cans
For your Hazardous Waste there are special hazardous waste collection points or waste collection centres.
For more information you can go to „Weniger Mist at“ (only available in German)
Electricity, Heating, Water and Safety
- The fuse box is in your apartment, so if there’s a blackout in one of the rooms please check the fuse box first.
- When leaving the apartment please turn off the lights.
- Please note that all sockets in Austria are limited to 230V, 2800W, so please consider this information when using electronical devices
- There is central heating in the house! The thermostat is working in an automatic program mode.
- If you have any issues concerning the heating please notify us via the damage report on this website
- Tap water is drinkable and delicious in Austria so go for it
- There is a first aid kit in every apartment in the kitchen as well as a fire blanket. You will find a fire extinguisher in every floor of the building. Please notify us whenever you have to use one of those via the damage report.
- Smoke detectors are in every room in your apartment. (if their battery is empty there will be a beep signal, please let us know via the damage report)
- Please respect the fire regulations and inform you about the escape route, in case of a fire alarm.
- The common areas of the house are equipped with video surveillance (main entrance, laundry room, etc.).
General Q & A
- Kitchen Sink: In Austria, the kitchen sink is not allowed to have a shredder, so please dispose leftovers in your trash can.
- Toaster: If bread gets stuck in the machine, UNPLUG the machine before trying to get it out.
- Dishwasher: Essensreste vorher entfernen – Check the Sieb – Whenever there‘s water/foam left in the machine or the program doesn‘t start at all, please contact us via the damage report
- Hot water kettle/Coffee machine: The kettle can be plugged in and is ready to use. Do NOT try to heat those devices by using the stove, otherwise the plastic melts and it might lead to a fire!
- Toilet: This is not a trash can!
- Fridge: Make sure to close your fridge at all times. If the machine beeps while closed please contact us via the damage report.
- Microwave: Quick reminder on what not to put in a microwave: eggs, chestnuts, oil and metal
- Freezer: If a drawer in the freezer is stuck, do not try to forcefully open it! Rather turn down the cold and try again in a few hours.
The washing machine and the dryer in the cellar can be used for a small fee.
Attention: only use 1,- Euro coins!
The laundry has to be removed within the 30 minutes you paid for, if not, the machine locks itself and another coin has to be put in to unlock it.
If problems with the machines occur, please use the damage report on this website.
Pls respect the timeslots!
Useful Information
Johannagasse 36
Meeting Point
Here’s some quick information concerning the meeting points.
If you plan on being a bigger group and you need a location to meet up. we’d ask you to not to gather in front of Johannagasse 36 because the past has shown that the neighbors tend to cause trouble by either calling the police or contacting the landlord per se.
Therefore please gather at the small park at Margaretenstraße.
Thank you for understanding!
Useful Links
Vienna City Card
Vienna Info
Public Transport
Radio & Television
In Austria you are required by law to register and purchase a licence for all broadcasting reception equipment.
For further informations please follow the link …
Lost Property
Lost Property Office:
Rechte Wienzeile 105
1050 Wien
+43 1 4000-05000
District Exchange, 1050
Mobile Phone Rates
Euro Converter